Dental Crown

Dental Crown Treatment

A dental crown is a cap that goes over a tooth. After root canal treatment, the tooth becomes much smaller, and a crown is placed on top of it for protection. Additionally, dental crowns are used on top of dental implants to recreate natural teeth. Sometimes dental crowns may be used to support partially broken or damaged teeth.

Our dentists have over 20 years of experience in making dental crowns. Our clinic has been using CEREC 3-d same-day dental crowns technology for over 20 years. This page provides additional details about dental crowns.

What is a Dental Crown

Dental crowns are fitted on top of a tooth to prevent further damage to the tooth. They act as a shield against any external damage. They can withstand the impacts of activities such as chewing and brushing.

Dental crowns maintain the structural integrity of your mouth by protecting your teeth and gums from the unpleasant impact of tooth decay and gaps. When a tooth breaks or there’s a cavity, the chances of food build-up increase, and you become more susceptible to infection. Dental crowns also maintain and enhance your teeth’ appearance in case of discolored, broken, or cracked teeth while maintaining dental hygiene.

Uses of a Dental Crown

The prime purpose of the dental crown is to protect the damaged and uneven teeth. They cover, and restore the teeth during cases where a filling is not the solution.

We recommend having a crown when the tooth is worn down, chipped, or partially broken, as the damaged tooth is very painful. Covering the area with a customized crown, you can restore the normal functioning of your tooth.

Temporary ceramic crown is advised to cover the dental implant treatment. It helps in replacing the missing teeth and supporting the artificial denture.

If a patient refuses to opt for an implant, we put the crown on surrounding areas of teeth to bridge the troublemaker. A ceramic crown is used in such cases that anchors do not move.

To hide the discolored teeth, we suggest having color-matching porcelain or ceramic dental crown to give a natural look.

When we operate on the patient for a root canal, we also suggest having a crown over the affected area. It helps to cover the area and protects the root canal area from infection.

Procedure To Get Dental Crown

You will typically have two visits to the dentist to prepare for a dental crown. In some cases, you may have a dental crown made in your dentist’s office.

Examination of  tooth is the first step which includes x-ray images of your concerning teeth and evaluating the gum condition. Doctors recommend the necessary treatment based on radiographic and visual examination.

The dentist team will shape the tooth such that the dental crown fits on top without leaving any space in between. The grinding makes the surface of the tooth even and flat.

To have the perfect shaped crown, a paste is applied over the tooth for an accurate impression. Our clinic also has a 3D scanning facility that records the 3d imaging of the tooth. These scanned data or the paste impression of the tooth are sent to the lab for creating a customized crown. 

It takes 2 to 3 weeks to prepare the final dental crown. We apply a temporary crown over the tooth to prevent decay. Cementing is done for temporary fixing of the crown. You will be given an appointment for your next visit.  

Types Of Dental Crowns

One may want a crown over a molar that is hardly visible, while others want to have a crown for their front teeth with matching colors of surrounding teeth. Several factors plan a role while selecting the crown. Dental crowns are made of different materials depending on their durability, strength, and cost.

Stainless Steel crowns are used for temporary solutions as they hold the teeth for the duration while the actual final crown is in the manufacturing process. We also suggest these crowns for pediatric usage because they come off easily as the natural teeth grow.

Metal crowns are of the most robust material and can withstand a tough biting impact. They don’t chip or break easily. They’re available as alloys of aluminum and gold but are also quite expensive.

These are the most common crowns. Porcelain and Ceramic crowns also come with metal infused within for better holding of the crown.

Zirconia crowns provide the aesthetics of porcelain crowns associated with metallic strength. Most importantly, they can be cut and shaped at our Bellevue Dentistry so that you do not have to wait for weeks.

Experienced Dentists For Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns are completely safe and prevent permanent bone loss in your teeth. Dental crowns help you get a beautiful smile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dental crowns painful?

No, dental crown treatment is not painful. However, the little uneasiness associated is worth the result. With the help of local anesthesia, the tooth is numbed so you do not feel the pain at all. Once the procedure is done, with time, the effect of anesthesia dies out, and you may feel a bit of sensitivity to the presence of a temporary crown. The pain would be minimal and won’t last long. 

How much do the crown costs?

 The price depends on the material of the crown and the complexity of the procedure. It is quite obvious that gold crowns are costlier than ceramic or porcelain crowns. Before finalizing the one, check with your insurance once. Some insurance companies cover only the partial cost involved for dental procedures, whereas new policy provides the entire chargeback.

How long do dental crowns last?

Well, it depends on how you treat them. On average, dental crowns easily lasts for 10-20 years. Even though they are exposed to various risks of fracture, infection, and cavities, with proper dental crown care and crown hygiene, it will last longer.

After the procedure, we give proper instructions and a to-do checklist about dental crown care to our patients. It focuses on the way of brushing near the crown, flossing, and also how hard or smooth to gargle. Our expert opinion and care guide will not lead you to any trouble.


When choosing a dental crown, there is no one correct answer. Different types of crowns will suit different kinds of people. The best way to choose a dental crown is by visiting your dentist and looking through all available options to find the one that suits you best.

About the Dentist
Dr. Uparika Sharma is the founder dentist of Bellevue Azalea Dentistry. In addition to general dental procedures, she evaluates TMJ, cervical spine, airway problems, chronic headache, and CRPS.

Bellevue Dentist, WA

Dr. Uparika Sharma is a top rated Bellevue Dentist. She has been practicing for over 5 years at Bellevue Azalea Dentistry clinic. She holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree from the University of Washington. Dr. Uparika Sharma is a member of the American Dental Association.