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Many numbing options are available at Bellevue Azalea Dentistry if you do not want to feel pain during a dental procedure.

Numbing Shots For Dental Work

Most of us live our lives trying to avoid pain. We understand that the thought of pain from your dental procedure might be discouraging for you. There is a solution for when people do not want to deal with pain during their procedures or dental exams and check-ups that include fixing dental crowns and root canals.

Numbing injections are efficient for such purposes. Nova Cain is one of the anesthetics that were common in the past, but now, many dentists are using newer methods. We know you have many questions about getting numbing shots for your dental procedures. That is why this article explains all that and more.

Types of dental anesthesia

Numbing agents are essential for invasive dental procedures. This helps to numb the pain for a smooth procedure. When it comes to choosing anesthesia, there are two standard options, general anesthesia, and local anesthesia. The anesthetic dentists have the responsibility to decide which one is best.

General anesthesia
General anesthesia is more intense, and it is heavier than local anesthesia. It is more often used in surgeries. The dentists might decide that it is best to use general anesthesia if you have extreme dental anxiety.

This way, the procedure can go on without fewer distractions. It is usually administered using a mask or intravenously.

Local anesthesia
This is more common than general anesthesia. It numbs only a particular part.

Local anesthesia is only used on the affected areas to block the pain so that the procedure can go on. Certain medications can be injected into the affected art to numb it. Some of them are Lidocaine, Articaine, Mepivacaine and Bupivacaine. These local anesthetics can be used depending on where the affected area is located and how big it is.

What to expect with numbing shots

The dental care expert is there to help you with all your dental concerns. You should certainly ask all your questions about anything you are bothered about. 

The two main types of numbing injections are block injections which cover an entire region in your mouth, and infiltration injections which numb only a smaller area.

Discuss the steps you need to take before the procedure with the dental care expert and ask about how long the treatments will last and what kind of numbing agent will be used to treat you.

Initial injections

At first, you may feel anxious to get your dental injections. This is expected, and it’s completely normal. To help reduce the pain from the injections, the professional will usually apply a topical gel to reduce your sensitivity. 

Try to relax because you won’t feel much pain as long as the dental care expert performing the procedure is a professional. If you are still worried about the potential discomfort you may face, you might want to consider sedation dentistry as it is the painless way to receive a dental procedure.

Treatments after anesthesia

After the anesthesia has been administered, you’ll feel less sensitive to pain. When the dentist begins treatment, you will feel only pressure and not pain. The rate at which the patients feel the effects of anesthesia varies from individual to individual. 

If the procedure is lengthy, the dentist may need to administer more dental injections to ensure that the previous one doesn’t wear off during the procedure.

Follow-up care

It is normal to feel strange after the procedure. This happens because the effect of the anesthesia is solely fading away. 

Don’t feel anxious because of the numbness. After a few hours, it is expected that you won’t feel that way anymore. In the meantime, you might want to put a pause on eating.



Getting numbing injections before a procedure is entirely normal. It is essential for effective and successful procedures. This doesn’t mean that you don’t have the right to feel anxious about it. Dr. Uparika Sharma will be more than happy to help you with your numbing dental services. If you are looking for the best dentist, you’ve got it right.

About the Author
Dr. Uparika Sharma is the founder dentist of Bellevue Azalea Dentistry. In addition to general dental procedures, she evaluates TMJ, cervical spine, airway problems, chronic headache, and CRPS.


Dr. Uparika Sharma is a trusted dentist. She has been practicing for over 5 years at Bellevue Azalea Dentistry clinic. She holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree from the University of Washington. Dr. Uparika Sharma is a member of the American Dental Association.