Contact Bellevue Azalea Dentistry to cover up dental disorders swiftly and inexpensively with teeth reshaping and bonding.

Dental Contouring

A slight smile blemish may not be a serious dental health problem. Even though a tooth is stained, it might be completely healthy. Furthermore, a chipped tooth may still be highly durable. Minor, aesthetic dental concerns may not need a complete overhaul of your oral health. A tiny chip or an irregular edge, for example, can be repaired by simply adding or removing from the tooth’s exterior structure. These procedures are known as dental bonding and dental contouring, respectively. Although the two procedures serve similar functions, our Bellevue Azalea Dentistry dentists will conduct an oral examination to determine appropriate for you. In this article, we’ll discuss the differences between dental bonding and dental contouring, as well as the benefits they can offer patients.

Which dental issues will dental contouring treat?

Although dental contouring differs in some aspects, the two cosmetic treatments still share many similarities. Tooth staining, fractures, and cracks are among aesthetic concerns that dental bonding and dental contouring may correct. Dental contouring, as well as teeth reshaping and bonding, are all quick and painless procedures. They are carried out with little or no anesthetic. Patients who do not want invasive cosmetic dental procedures choose them. Dental contouring and teeth reshaping and bonding treatments can significantly change the appearance of teeth in a short amount of time.

Overview of tooth contouring

Tooth contouring, also known as teeth reshaping or odontoplasty, is a simple and inexpensive cosmetic dental operation. It may also improve overall dental health Dental contouring can fill the spaces between adjacent teeth and make them simpler to clean and floss. At Bellevue Azalea Dentistry, our dentists usually use tooth contouring to alter the edges of teeth and produce a more attractive smile. This makes them seem smoother and more uniform. Minor contouring of the front teeth can result in remarkable changes to the smile’s overall appearance.

Rather than adding layers to a tooth, dental contouring removes a tiny portion of the enamel. A sanding device is most commonly used to fix minor flaws on the enamel. Dental contouring can be used to correct irregularities on the side of a tooth using sandpaper-like strips. For this therapy to be indicated, the problem has to be on the tooth surface. Contouring is only possible on solid and thick enamel. Trying to sculpt thin or brittle enamel might result in chipping or fracturing. The strength of your enamel may need to be adequately assessed by your dentist before proceeding. This can help to avoid damaging thin enamel excessively.

Aftercare tips

Tooth contouring is an excellent method for improving the form and looks of teeth. Appropriate follow-up care is critical to maintaining the outcomes of whatever method you use. Your dentist will give you aftercare tips to ensure that your treatments last as long as possible:

  • Even though the bonding agent will solidify throughout the treatment, there is a possibility of the resin chipping or breaking. You may reduce your risk by not biting your nails, consuming hard foods, or chewing gum.
  • Bonding has the possibility of discoloring your teeth. Therefore, ensure you wash your teeth at least twice daily to avoid dental stains. You may also limit your intake of foods and beverages that might discolor your teeth, such as coffee and red wine.
  • Although tooth contouring doesn’t affect your everyday activities, you may have slight discomfort for a day.
  • Teeth contouring can endure for years with adequate at-home dental care and regular oral check-ups before requiring further treatments.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Do Dental Contouring Results Last?

Patients may anticipate their dental bonding or teeth contouring outcomes to last three and ten years. Excellent dental hygiene may assist in extending the effectiveness of these therapies. Bonded teeth need to be brushed and flossed regularly. Chewing hard sweets, frozen snacks, and other hard meals may be avoided as the bonding materials shatter.


According to NCBI research, many treatments enhance dental aesthetics in color, placement, form, size, symmetry, and overall smile appearance. Although orthodontic therapy is still an essential technique for improving smile aesthetics, various less invasive methods can produce desirable outcomes. These treatments include dental bonding and reshaping. If you have tooth discoloration, a chipped tooth, or a gap in your teeth and seek low-cost treatment, schedule an appointment with Bellevue Azalea Dentistry. Our dentists can advise you on the appropriate treatment to enhance the look of your teeth. Dental contouring can repair teeth with minor surface flaws. These straightforward treatments entail the addition of material or the removal of modest quantities of enamel. Many common dental disorders may be swiftly and inexpensively treated with teeth reshaping and bonding.

About the Dentist
Dr. Uparika Sharma is the founder dentist of Bellevue Azalea Dentistry. In addition to general dental procedures, she evaluates TMJ, cervical spine, airway problems, chronic headache, and CRPS.

Bellevue Dentist

Dr. Uparika Sharma is a top rated Bellevue Dentist. She has been practicing for over 5 years at Bellevue Azalea Dentistry clinic. She holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery (D.D.S.) degree from the University of Washington. Dr. Uparika Sharma is a member of the American Dental Association.

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